The King's Foundation

The Charity’s partnership and support for the work of The King’s Foundation, which commenced in 2018, continues and interviews for the Building Craft Programme identify a new bursary student to support each year in Heritage Craft Skills generally, including heritage plasterwork training in particular.

Read the 2022/23 Building Craft Programme Report

Bursary Students:

2024/25: Jess Lay
2023/24: Karen Skeats
2022/23: Cormac Young
2021/22: Simon Lovatt
2020/21: Greg Smith
2019/20: Jue Sota
2018/19: Esme Walker

Bursaries and Grants

Bursaries are normally paid up to £500 per applicant, but larger sums may be awarded in individual cases, if merited. The Beneficiaries will probably be students currently undergoing training in the sector but may also be established practitioners who wish to develop and enhance their knowledge and experience.

Typically applications might be for travel expenses to support a course of learning abroad; fees for existing courses where no other support is available; a wage subsidy to enable a student to pursue extra-curricular skills; funding to a mentor to support achievement of advanced qualifications; or costs towards enhanced disabled access to training.

The Trustees will consider any application endorsed by the Company’s Industry Committee that supports and maintains the quality and diversity of plastering and drylining skills in the UK. To be eligible, applicants must have been resident in the UK for at least two years and ideally must have at least two years’ work experience in the plastering and drylining sector.

Please contact the Clerk's Office for more details on applying for a bursary.

As part of the Company’s commitment to community engagement, training and life-long learning in the local area, educational establishments, and the associated plastering trade, the Charity is able to support individuals and not-for-profit organisations either in kind or with financial support in the form of bursaries and grants.

Working with Industry

Both the Company and the Charity are proud to maintain their close relationship with the plastering and drylining industry.

The Charity offers bursaries and grants to apprentices and young students entering the industry, whilst the Company also recognises plastering industry stakeholders through the Master Plasterer Certificate Scheme and the Master Plasterer’s Register.