The Managing Trustees continue to operate and develop the Worshipful Company of Plaisterers Charitable Trust (‘The Plaisterers’ Charity’) independent of the Livery Company, in accordance with the terms of the Trust Deed, dated 1 July 1980, and as required by Charity Law. They continuously monitor the Trust’s Objects and modus operandi, and review their strategy on an on-going basis at their regular quarterly meetings, and by electronic communications between meetings, if necessary.
The Company disperses donations in line with the Trust Deed from funds donated from within the membership of the Company and the wider public. The Charity Trustees meet regularly to discuss applications and determine where funding is best placed for maximum effect.
The Plaisterers’ Charity: Registered charity number 281035.
Any donations are gratefully received.
Leaving a Legacy
The Company’s Charity Committee currently administers over £2m in funds, which enables us to give grants totalling about £80,000 each year to a number of small plastering craft, City, musical and armed forces charities. However, there is an urgent need for us to give more money. Will you help us do that?
Leaving a legacy in your Will is a simple way of doing that and it will make a big difference to the small charities that we support. You might be able to do that simply by making a codicil to your Will without making a new Will. A legacy is tax free to your estate since your donation will not count towards the taxable value of your estate. In addition, if you leave 10 per cent or more of your estate to charity the remainder benefits from a reduced inheritance tax rate, meaning a greater share for your other beneficiaries.
If you would like to leave a legacy to our Charity Fund please get in touch with the Clerk who will be happy to give you details for your Will or codicil.
How to donate
Just Giving
To donate to The Plaisterers’ Charity online, please go to our Just Giving page using the link below:
Bank Transfer
Account Name: Worshipful Company of Plaisterers Charitable Trust
Sort Code: 60 05 11
Account: 87314169
Payment reference: Please use reference 'PCT' and then your surname, ie PCTJones
Please makes cheques payable to ‘The Plaisterers Charitable Trust’ and referenced ‘PCT’ on the back.
They should then be sent to the Clerk’s Office at Plaisterers’ Hall.
If you are a tax payer and are willing to complete a Gift Aid Declaration (obtainable from the Clerk’s Office at Plaisterers’ Hall) this will enable the Plaisterers’ Charity to reclaim and enhance your donation by a further 25%, which is both tax efficient and very worthwhile.
The Realisation of the Plaisterers’ Platinum Jubilee Fund 2022
In 2022 the Plaisterers’ Charitable Trust (PCT) set up the Plaisterers’ Platinum Jubilee Fund (PPJF) in honour of our late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
The PCT committed £50,000 to the Fund, with our Livery Company contributing a further £50,000. The Platinum Jubilee Fund of £100,000 was established. It was agreed the Fund would benefit those affiliates with whom the Plaisterers Company had special anniversaries in 2022, namely:
• 40th Anniversary with the Royal Marines
• 40th Anniversary with Peterborough Cathedral
• 15th Anniversary with the Special Reconnaissance Regiment
• 10th Anniversary with 282 (East Ham) Squadron RAF Air Cadets
• 10th Anniversary of the Commissioning of HMS Dragon
Having invited the recipients to tender their proposals, the Charity Trustees were delighted to ‘sign off’ the funding for incredibly worthwhile projects and events. Throughout 2022/2023, the projects and/or events have been realised, generating the grateful thanks of our affiliates and enhancing the strong bonds that bind us.
Details on the funding are listed below:
Royal Marines
The PPJF funded outside patio furniture and a children’s play apparatus (a miniature assault course) for the Gordon Messenger Resilience Centre in Lympstone. This is a purpose-built community hub, ‘outside the wire’ providing much-needed support to the Royal Marines Family.
Special Reconnaissance Regiment
For the Special Reconnaissance Regiment, its project was more ‘covert’. A Plaisterers Educational Fund, for the children of former and serving members of the regiment to experience adventure/leadership training at home or abroad, helping others, thereby gaining a skill set to meet the challenges ahead of them.
Peterborough Cathedral
For the Music Department of Peterborough Cathedral, its project was pastoral. Developing partnerships with 27 schools across the Diocese of Peterborough and Northamptonshire without music, teaching the art of using voice as a means of increasing aspiration. Through the wonderful music and lyrics of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, year 5 children, together with the Cathedral’s choirs sang their hearts out and acted their socks off in a production of Joseph in the Cathedral in November 2022. The second part of this project, involving a Choral Commission will be staged at a future date.
282 (East Ham) Air Cadets
The 282 (East Ham) Air Cadets band goes from strength to strength and funding was sought for two projects; the fitting out of a dedicated music room, plus an upgrade and refurbishment of their musical instruments. The PCT provided funding some years ago for a flight simulator, which has been put to excellent use by the cadets but is now in need of an overhaul. The PPJF will fund that overhaul. All the cadets are inspiring young people, a credit to the Squadron and their families; deserving of success in their education and career ambitions.
HMS Dragon
At time of writing, HMS Dragon remains in refit, but when the Dragon roars back into action, a suitable project will be funded by the PPJF.