Thursday 28th July saw the inaugural Inter-Livery Pétanque competition where Liveryman Phillip Cowen and Freeman Brian Geddes, along with another friend of theirs, Nigel White, represented the Plaisterers at the event held in the London Pétanque Club at the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens.
The good news is that they got to the final but, unfortunately, they lost to The Vintners, putting up a strong fight against a very good side.
There were 18 teams in all and having got through their three heat games against The Cask Makers, the London Pétanque Club and The Educators, they faced The Cooks in a tough semi final and managed to come out on top 8-4. The heats and semi finals were 20-minute games, or first to 9, whichever happened soonest; whilst the final was 30 minutes or first to 13.
In the final, they lost to The Vintners 6-13, who won the cask trophy, and each a bottle of the Master Distiller’s whiskey; whilst they took home a bottle of fine wine each from the Vintners cellars.
Phillip says: “The event was excellent fun, with lots of Pimms on tap, picnics and really good humour, support and friendship across the various Livery Companies. Our thanks go to the London Pétanque Club for their great organisation (they meet at the same venue every Wednesday and all are welcome); as well the Distiller’s Company for putting on this event. All proceeds raised went towards the Lord Mayors Appeal. Afterwards we repaired to a nearby hostelry, Mother Kelley’s, to celebrate with, amongst others, the victorious Vintners.”
If you’re interested in taking part, we’re sure there will be a team next year looking for the win!