We are delighted and very proud to confirm that the Plaisterers’ Company will be honouring the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee by creating a Fund to mark special anniversaries we share with several of our Affiliates in 2022. Namely:
- The 40th Anniversary with the Royal Marines
- The 40th Anniversary with Peterborough Cathedral
- The 15th Anniversary with the Special Reconnaissance Regiment
- The 10th Anniversary with 282 (East Ham) Air Cadets
- The 10th Anniversary of the Commissioning of HMS Dragon
The Charity Steward of the Plaisterers’ Charitable Trust advised the Court on the 11 January, 2022 that the Trust, in support of an initiative of the Master, had created a fund of £50,000 to commemorate ‘A Year of Special Anniversaries – Proactively Supporting our Affiliates’ during 2022. The charitable arms of these Affiliates have been asked to scope out suitable projects for us to consider as soon as possible. The intention is the projects will be badged/identified as Plaisterers’ grants, thereby strengthening our support for and ties to these Affiliates.
The Court was supportive of this initiative and re-affirmed the importance of our connections with our Affiliates. Whilst appreciating the impact of Covid-19 on the Livery, it was felt our Affiliates were deserving of our help during these difficult times and this was an excellent way to mark these anniversaries.
It was the decision of the Court to support this initiative by transferring funds of £50,000 from the Livery to the Plaisterers’ Charitable Trust, thereby creating a Plaisterers’ Platinum Jubilee Fund of £100,000.
A sum of this magnitude should produce longer lasting and more significant projects. An excellent way to honour the Monarch, commemorate the special anniversaries and strengthen our bonds with our Affiliates.
Events will be added to our livery events calendar in 2022 to commemorate these anniversaries.
‘You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give’
Margaret Coates, Master