The Worshipful Company of Plaisterers are delighted tointroduce our Sapphire Dinner & Dance.
Saturday 2nd March 2024 • 7pm-midnight • Plaisterers’ Hall
A wonderful opportunity to enjoy dinner in our Great Hall, dancing to CJ SAX ( while supporting and raising money for our Charity. We hope you can join us - your presence can really make a difference.
MAKING CONNECTIONSThe evening is open to Plaisterers, their guests and members of other Livery companies - a perfect chance to connect and support the charity.
CORPORATE OPPORTUNITIES Please spread the word - corporate tables are available to entertain guests or thank staff. In return, we’re happy to promote the business through our event marketing to recognise their support. Get in touch to find out more.
BOOK NOW! Don’t miss out on this new event in the Livery diary and book early.
Tickets: £120 per person
Tickets include pre-drinks, a three-course dinner with coffee and half a bottle of wine per person.
For tickets, please contact: